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Article Published In Vol.2 (March-April-2014)

Work-Life Balance of Women Academicians – An Empirical Study

Pages : 333-335

Author : Ms. Annie Sam and Ms. Anitha.K

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Women as of today have placed their foot in diverse sectors such as Academics, Management, Media, Politics, Law, Medicine, Space and lot more. A survey reveals that about 82% of women are into the field of Academics. Many reviews have identified WLB as a poking issue for every woman. This study examines about the factorial evils that women face today in her work life and how she manages to balance it with respect to academicians. It also provides a knowledge on the WLB practices that needs to be reinvented so as to meet the corporate challenges for both the organization and women. This study reveals that major factors like stress, time, self, change, family management play a major role in influencing the WLB issues in women. and managing the above factors through their skill and confidence lies their ability to balance their work & life. The study has shown keen interest on how their relationship with family and work can enhance their career. The study also provides few suggestions to women on how well they can structure and balance their work life.

Keywords: Work-Life Balance, Women, Manage, work, Family, career





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