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Article Published In Vol.7 (Nov-Dec-2019)

Analyse comparative des indicateurs macroéconomiques entre la Zambie et la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), deux pays de l’Afrique Australe

Pages : 700-711, DOI:

Author : Tshomba Kalumbu John, Nkulu Mwiné Fyama Jules, Nguba Mundala Médard and Kalambaie Binm Mukanya Madiya Moïse

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This article analyzes the macroeconomic differentials between the DRC and Zambia. To do this, secondary data were
collected in five international institutions over a ten-year period (2007 to 2017). The DRC is less efficient from a
macroeconomic point of view than Zambia. It belongs to the group of countries with low HDI, while Zambia is in the
middle group and has an average of $ 1501.6 per year of GDP per capita at a constant price, which is 4.12 times higher than the DRC (363,7 $ / year) while it has a population growth of almost 5 times higher than Zambia. Industry accounts for a large share of GDP construction in the DRC, averaging 38.6 percent while services in Zambia account for 52.2 percent. Agriculture contributes only slightly to the construction of GDP in the DRC (8.8%) against 20.5% in Zambia.

Keywords: Poverty, Growth, Development, DRC and Zambia



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