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Article Published In Vol.10 (Jan-Feb 2022)

DNA barcoding based on mitochondrial COI gene on some species of family Platycnemididae (Odonata: Zygoptera) from India

Pages : 19-28, DOI:

Author : Dr. Monika Devi and Dr. Gurinder Kaur Walia

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Taxonomically, family Platycnemididae comprises 455 species referable to 43 genera all over the world, while 52 species of 14 genera are present in ] India. COI gene analysis of 11 species under 6 genera of family Platycnemididae from the states of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Maharashtra and Meghalaya (India) has been done. The overall data has been used to calculate the sequence divergence at different taxonomic levels in the family Platycnemididae, which shows the hierarchial increase in the K2P values. In the present study, maximum intraspecific distance has been observed as 1.7% in C. marginipes, while the only exception is Coeliccia didyma, which shows intraspecific distance of 5.2%. Minimum interspecific distance has been observed as 3.4% in Coeliccia cyaneothorax and Coeliccia nemoricola, while maximum average interspecific distance has been recorded as 18.6±0% in Calicnemia chaseni and Calicnemia eximia, the only exception with very less distance (0.4±0.1%) in Coeliccia chromothorax and Coeliccia renifera. Intergeneric divergence has been calculated for all the 6 genera based on K2P distances. The most distant genera have been found to be Calicnemia and Disparoneura with average K2P distance of 24.2±1.2%, while Calicnemia and Coeliccia are the closest genera with K2P distance of 17.5±3.5%.

Keywords COI gene; K2P distance; Platycnemididae; Evolutionary affinities; Neighbour-Joining tree


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