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Article Published In Vol.2 (Nov-Dec-2014)

Evolution of Education and Quest for Efficacious Propounds

Pages : 1154-1165

Author : Prantosh Das Gupta

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Education, evaluating from say Paleolithic age, has been basically, a process of mental growth, development of mental vision, and creation of readily interactive data & information banks of widely different spectrums within the brain by continuous & multi -lineal interplay, observations, reading & learning exercises, so as to achieve Competence, Success and Excellence & to embellish the Human values, Communication skills, Culture & Behavior, Family, Society, Nation, Humanity & Civilization. The influencing factors are mainly Heredity, Environment, Religion, Eclecticism, Family & Social Life, Economic Status, Media etc & ones own Intelligence. There have been visible paradigm shifts, in Curriculum, Accreditation, Teachers Qualifications et aldue to e –Learning and there is a need to efficaciously manage the Changes

Keywords: Evolution, Perspectives, Attritributes, Curricula ,E-Learning, Reform.




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