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Article Published In Vol.4 (Sept-Oct-2016)

Isolation and Identification of Phosphate Solublizing Bacteria from Tomato Fields

Pages : 800-805

Author : S. Vinoth, B. Vinothkumar, M. Yogesh Kumar and N. G. Ramesh Babu.

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Microbes from soil were isolated and cultured using Pikovskaya’s medium. The isolates were screened for phosphate activity and identified as a phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB). The Phaseolus radiatus (green gram) seeds were germinated using these PSB as test against deionized water as control by roll towel model. Seeds were grown well in the PSB and it was verified by the estimation of concentration of total protein and total phenol in the germinated plant root (i.e.), the protein and phenol concentration of the root extract in the PSB test was higher than that of control. Biochemical tests were performed and the species were identified as Pseudomonas cichorii. Antifungal tests were also performed to find out fungal activity of the isolates. This study mainly focused on P.cichorii which has the ability to solubilize inorganic phosphates present in the soil and can be used as a biofertilizer, which will give more yields.

Keywords: Pseudomonas cichorii, Phaseolus radiates, Biofertilizer, PSB, pikovskaya’s medium, phosphate activity, roll towel model, antifungal activity, inorganic phosphate, germinated plant root, biochemical test.



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