Mahatma Gandhi’s Concept of Internationalism
Pages : 890-892, DOI: PDF
Gandhiji’s philosophy of nationalism was not based upon race-hatred and chauvinistic feelings. It was the stroke of his genius that blended nationalism with internationalism. His patriotism transcended geographical frontiers and was conterminous with humanity. He knew that one must be a good nationalist in order to become a true internationalist. He explained in his writings that there could be no genuine international co-operation without national independence. He was ardent advocate of international collaboration and co-operation. In war, Gandhiji saw the most crucial unsolved problem of the international relations. For him, generally speaking, war was ‘unrighteous’ because it contradicted the principles of ahimsa and the higher law of dharma. Also he knew that the basis of imperialism, Nazism and Fascism was rooted in violence and that there was no qualitative difference among these systems; even if there was no a difference, the difference was only in degree. Gandhiji’s internationalism, as we will see, grew with time. This is particularly evident in his concepts of war and peace.
Keywords: Nationalism, Internationalism, Collaboration and Co-operation, Concept of Power and War, Pacifism, Imperialism, View of United Nations