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Article Published In Vol.2 (Jan-Feb-2014)

Peace Themes in School Studies in Pakistan- An Exploratory View

Pages : 69-77

Author : Shumaila Bhutto, S. Nazneen Waseem and Imran Umer Chhapra

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This exploratory study has been conducted with the core aim to highlight the emergence of extremism challenge; we are facing hard times where peace and safety issues of individuals are rising and which have affected severely. To tackle these challenges and fabricate the continuing course of peace, justice, forbearance and broad considerate, education would be a key element and a very valuable approach. Amendment in the process of education is required so that it can facilitate improved quality education which is truly needed. Accordingly an ultimate focus should be placed on program courses and its contents, ethical teaching and learning, and encouraging learning surroundings with a value education approach to build education more favorable to the advancement of people of world. Close-ended questionnaire was designed, use exploratory research method based on survey, research design stand on quantitative research, covering a sample of 26 different private and government schools of Defense and Clifton, Karachi, out of approximately more than 60 schools, by filling questionnaire from the principals/head of department of that schools. Regression and correlation analysis were used through SPSS. Results of the study show that clear ideology, improved training and up to date curriculum strengthen ideology of a country. Perhaps a crucial confront this research for education prove that consideration to point that apparent target and autonomous omission will be acquired to attain flourishing restructuring of the Education Ministry, the Textbook Board and the Curriculum Wing and also highlighted that textbooks related to state-sponsored should point up how history has been fitting to strengthen a values or ideology of a country.

Keywords: Re-amendment, Transformation, Progressive social order, Restructuring.





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