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Article Published In Vol.12 (March-April 2024)

Prevalence and Inequality of Malnutrition among Children Aged 6-59 Months in Kenge; Democratic Republic of Congo; 2022

Pages : 164-169, DOI:

Author : Bernard-Kennedy Nkongolo; Steve Botomba; Marc Bosonkie; Benito Kazenza; Nono Mangaza, Nelly Kabena, Damien Nahimana, Jean Baptiste Mayavanga , Mala Ali Mapatano and Marie-Claire Muyer

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Introduction: Disparities in different forms of malnutrition remain in several regions and within provinces in the DRC, given the high number of children experiencing food insecurity. This study aims to determine the prevalence of different forms of malnutrition as well as the distribution of inequalities of these different forms of malnutrition among children aged 6-59 months.
Methodology: We have analyzed secondary data from the National Nutrition Program obtained from a cross-sectional study conducted in 784 children aged 6-59 months in Kenge in 2022. A two-stage sampling was applied first selecting randomly 50 villages and subsequently 25 households in each village. Nutritional status was assessed based on Z-score. Chi-square test was performed with Stata version 16.0 to determine the prevalence of malnutrition as well as the existing association.
Results: Of 784 children, more than half were male (51.4%). The prevalence of global acute malnutrition (wasting) was 11.3%: CI95% 9; 13, including 2.6% with severe acute malnutrition. Stunting was found in 44.6: CI 95%41; 48, Underweight was 29.7% with CI (26; 33). Underweight and stunting were statistically associated with age and sex. Wasting was more frequent in Bitari and Kolokoso villages, while stunting was more observed in Fangulu, Bitari and Tonga, and underweight was more frequent in Dunda Factory Camp and Suana. These differences can be explained by socio-economic and socio-ecological variations as well as by the inadequacy of health structures for malnutrition cases. management.
Conclusion: Malnutrition in Kenge presents disparities depending on the form and the location. Taking into account socio-ecological demographic factors, remains an effective solution to combat malnutrition in Kenge.

Keywords: Prevalence, inequalities, malnutrition, children aged 6-59 months, DRC



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