Psychosocial Issues and Management During Pregnancy
Pages : 606-609, DOI: PDF
Psychological and emotional state of women has been found to be week during the period of pregnancy. A married Working-women has to work under different types of supervisors in various jobs. The continuous increase in workload may result into reduction of autonomy. At the same time having the child at home may increase the burden. The feelings of helplessness which are considered as significant risk factors in the development of depression. During pregnancy higher degree of hassles can also be predicted due to poor marital adjustment. Women with improved Quality of life were more likely to have utilized the public health preventive resources were more health conscious. Physical activity, social support and dispositional optimism are related to better physical and psychological well-being during pregnancy. Treatment models that are more patient focussed may be required to facilitate mental health treatment of pregnant women.
Keywords: depression, Anxiety, coping. Physical exercise, social support