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Article Published In Vol.5 (Sept-Oct-2017)

Role of different types of organic matter in barley growth and Building up organic carbon in soil under saline stress

Pages : 1158-1163

Author : Sadeq J. H. Dwenee, Ibrahim B. Razaq, Hamid Shlakah Mugheir, Amal F. H. Altemimi, Sahar Abdlateef and Ahmad I. Abdalhadi

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Pot experiment was conducted to evaluate effect of type of organic matter addition on barley growth and development and level of organic carbon (OC) left in the soil. Alternate irrigation with saline and fresh water was also evaluated to explore the extent of using saline ground water in irrigation. The results showed an increase in dry matter weight with addition of partially decomposed barley straw and peat of barley straw by 11.12 and 30.67% respectively, while in case of addition of barley straw, the dry matter decreased by 3.42% compared to the control treatment. Addition of Nitrogen fertilizer as urea at a rate of 200 kg N .h-1 increased bio mass yield of barley by 27.5% compared to zero N addition. Bio-mass production of barley irrigated with saline ground water compared to that irrigated with fresh water was reduced by 13.25%, 12.95% and 24.5% upon addition of straw of barley, partially decomposed straw of barley and well decomposed straw of barley (Peat), respectively. The addition of organic matter significantly reduced the concentration of proline in plants, compared to the control treatment, with a decrease rate of 35.5%, 38.8% and 20.8% for Barley straw, partially decomposed straw of barley and Peat of barley straw respectively. Residual organic carbon in soil after harvesting was increased compared to control treatment by 221.8%, 192.9% and 170.8% under barley straw, partially decomposed barley straw and peat of barley straw, respectively.

Keywords: Organic matter, C/N, O.C Built up, saline stress



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