The Effect of Teaching Learners’ Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary on Reading Comprehension via Online Classroom
Pages : 1166-1170Download PDF
With respect to the fact that breadth and depth are considered as two interconnected dimensions of vocabulary knowledge, knowing a large vocabulary cannot assist learners a lot if their knowledge is not sufficient and rich. Therefore, while the size of vocabulary knowledge is an important factor in predicting success in reading comprehension, depth of vocabulary plays an important role as well. This article attempts to find out and compare the effects of the two vocabulary teaching methods in line with breadth and depth on Reading ability of 70 students studying at Islamic Azad University of Tonekabon, Iran. Experimental group received breadth of vocabulary teaching while Control Group instructed through teaching depth of vocabulary. During the online lessons different method of vocabulary presentation techniques used including mind-mapping, Persian equivalents, and English synonyms as well as definitions. Subsequently, the teacher utilized method for teaching vocabulary in order to increase breadth and depth. The results of T-tests and ANCOVA for the comparison of the effect of instruction on reading comprehension through online sessions indicated that there was no significant difference in the two methods at .05 level of significance. The results of this study have several important implications for the classroom practice and make a strong case for vocabulary instruction.
Keywords: Teaching Breadth and depth of Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Web-Based Instruction