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Article Published In Vol.7 (May-June 2019)

The future of Indian foreign policy towards ASEAN: dependability and alternatives

Pages : 294-301, DOI:

Author : Muntaha Ali Hussien

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India has one of the largest and fastest growing economies in the world. It is second only to China in growth. Its growth rate for 2010 was 8.3%. After rapid economic expansion since 1990, it has become the third largest economy after China and Japan, The important future strategic role in the Asian region. A future study by Deutsche Bank on the development of the Indian economy and its future prospects is expected to witness a number of developments, the most important of which is the increase in the average gross domestic product (GDP) to (6%) for the period (2006-2020) As well as the expansion of the industrial sector, especially on the basis of information technology. With economic and demographic growth, the need for energy and services increases, making them the most energy-efficient countries at a rate of two and a half times the rate of the superpowers. Therefore, they are responsible for 20% of energy consumption in Asia in 2030 compared with 12% in 2004 to sustain its economic growth. The basic condition for the prospect of economic power is to recognize the national development milestones that have changed their economic reality and open up their potential more than ever before – the rapid rise in learning levels and high rates of technological innovation

Keywords: Future of Indian foreign policy ASEAN. Dependability, Alternatives



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