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Article Published In Vol.3 (Jan-Feb-2015)

Gary Snyder as Poetic Voice of Natural Neutrality and Spirituality

Pages : 91-93

Author : D. B. Wankhade

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The study of the poetry of Snyder is nothing but the global sympathy for the Nature and its antic mystery to maintain in a positive and optimistic way. Snyder is the champion of the Nature and Environment. He studied in his poetry the relation between Nature and Haman nature on humanistic level. As a priest of Nature and lover of its all creatures, Snyder, favors more on the original civilization which cares much about Nature. He likes Buddhism which kept reserve the Natural bond in its ancient values and seeks out the real joy of life in the rich wealth of Nature. The purification and content of mind, calm of soul and stability of intellect is not in shining four walls, but in the boundless Natural wildness. According to Snyder, Buddhism is the compendium of Natural joy which spur the poet, to denounce the earthly pleasure and explore the real motto of life. The issue raised in the poetry of Snyder is concerned with the environment and ecology which is the universal topic of talk, particularly in modern environmental polluted world. According to Snyder, the ‘Revival of Nature’ based on Buddhism is a ray of hope for content life forever.

Keywords: Ecology, Ecocriticism, Buddhism, Spirituality, Nature, Environment, Social Concern etc.




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