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Article Published In Vol.1 (Nov-Dec-2013)

Iodine Status and Goitre Prevalence in Schools in Abomey in Benin

Pages : 203-207

Author : GBAGUIDI Bertin, AHOPKE Mélanie , YESSOUFOU Ganiou , AMOUSSOU-GUENOU Marcelin, HOUNDONOUGBO Frédéric , SEZAN Alphonse

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This study aims to analyze the iodine status and the prevalence of goiter among schoolchildren 06 to 12 years of Abomey from two indicators: volume ultrasound and urinary iodine.Selected by drawing go in a cluster of 09 schools on the basis of inclusion criteria children have benefited from the determination of urinary iodine, for the determination of iodine status and to cervical ultrasound examinations for the evaluation of thyroid volume. The prevalence of goiter was obtained, whichever is higher at the 97 percentile thyroid volumes for sex and body surface area in relation to the criteria of WHO and ICCIDD adapted by ZIMMERMANN. In total, 134 children were included. This group included 68 girls (50.70%) and 66 males (49.3%) with a sex ratio of 1.03. The median urinary iodine levels of 210μg / l and shows a lack of iodine deficiency in schoolchildren. The urinary iodine is between 100 ug / l and 300μg / L in 93.28% of children and between 300μg / l and 400 ug / l for others. The prevalence of goiter is estimated at 11.94%, which places the Abomey area according to WHO standards, in a slightly iodine deficient area. This result shows that the iodine status may change independently of the prevalence of goiters. We believe there are other goitrogenic factors to explore in the middle to identify the precursors of the observed prevalence.

Keywords: iodine status, goiter prevalence, schoolchildren, Abomey, Benin.





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