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Article Published In Vol.1 (Nov-Dec-2013)

The Impact of Climatic Factors on the Dune Vegetation in the region of Tlemcen (Oranie- Algeria)

Pages : 223-225

Author : Hassiba Stambouli and Prof. Mohammed Bouazza

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This study is devoted to the analysis of psammophile of coastal dunes and semi-continental region of Tlemcen. A lot of results are retained on the psammophile which secure the dunes including Ammophila arenaria. By comparing the two climatic periods with two indices (seasonal regime, the index of continentality), the species inventoried are classified according to their biological type. Using the bioclimatic data, we were able to understand the evolution of this vegetation, and its diversity.

Keywords: Psammophile – Tlemcen -Algeria -bioclimat – coastline – continental semi- dune.







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