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Article Published In Vol.5 (Sept-Oct-2017)

High Level Information System for knowledge intensive services

Pages : 1185-1186

Author : Sameer

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Our society needs and expects more high-value services. Such “knowledge-intensive” services can only be delivered if the necessary organizational and technical requirements are fulfilled. In addition, the cost-benefit analysis from the service provider point of view needs to be positive. Continuous improvement and goal-directed (partial) automation of such services is therefore of crucial importance. As a contribution to this the current research vision for (partially) automated support of knowledge workers based on intelligent information systems focusing on the use of experience. For the implementation of such a vision we base on the integration of approaches from artificial intelligence and software engineering. A “deep” integration of case-based reasoning and experience factory is a first successful step in this direction

Keywords: Wide area network, Web, Data mining, security



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