Teacher Certification Policies and the Effect of Teacher Performance at State Senior High School in Ternate City North Maluku Province
Pages : 407-410, DOI: https://doi.org/10.14741/ijmcr/v.7.4.1Download PDF
This research purpose was to analisys effect of application of teacher certification policies, competence and achievement motivation on teacher performance of state senior high school in ternate city of North Maluku province. This research used a quantitative approach with a survey method. The sample used in this study was 193 teachers who were selected by proportionate random sampling. The research data was obtained from questionnaires and analyzed using path analysis supported by descriptive statistical analysis. The results of this study indicate the application of teacher certification policies, competencies and achievement motivation has a direct effect on performance, the application of teacher certification policies and competencies has a direct effect on achievement motivation, and the application of certification policies has a direct effect on competence. Therefore, improving the application of teacher certification policies, competencies and achievement motivation can improve performance.
Keywords: application of certification policies, competency, achievement motivation, and performance