Human Relationship Approach in Vijay Tendulkar’s Plays: Ghashiram Kotwal, Kamala, Vultures and Sakharam Binder
Pages : 679-683Download PDF
One of the most acclaimed Marathi playwrights Vijay Tendulkar in the Indian Literature in Translation is considered to be the beacon who reviewed the contemporary socio-economic political conditions with an eye of an activist. He has attempted to connect the audience with the issues of society and human life. His plays reflect his experiences his voice and his perspective. With his theatrical and analytical dramatic skills, he tried to expose the disturbing and disgusting situations through which his characters struggle and attempt to live life as per their circumstances. The plays, Ghashiram Kotwal and Kamala, deal with the inherent emotional, instinctual forces that are unmanageable for his characters and they are unable to uplift their identity in crisis, instead they pursue the path that is offbeat in the conventional order of the society. The famous play Vultures portrays the disintegration in family and marital relationship. It throws light on the present socio-economic situations and social upheavals. The play Sakharam Binder deals with the characters and their wish to cope up with the change in environment or surroundings in which they live. This research paper examines the critical gap between individual‘s need for ideas to solve complex problems and their actual supply of those ideas. The aim of the study is to explore how the characters construct their trajectory of desires and dreams in the material world.
Keywords: Human life, Social forces, Disintegration, Crisis, Critical gaps, Supply of ideas