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Article Published In Vol.3 (May-June-2015)

A Survey of Movements for Human Rights Protection in Various Regions of India

Pages : 635-637

Author : Robin Kumar and Amandeep Kaur

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Human rights are better protected at national level with adequate laws, independent judiciary and effective mechanism. Human rights are those rights which belong to an individual as a consequence of being human. They are based on elementary human needs as imperatives some of these human needs are elements for sheer physical survival and health other are elements for psychic survival and health. These rights are associated with the traditional concept of natural law. These rights belong to them because of their very existence they become operative with their birth, human rights being the birth right are therefore inherit in all the individuals irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, sex and nationality. Human Rights are worldwide rights; it cannot bind by any particular country. This research paper includes some important current topics like Delay Justice and Human rights, important movement in the North-East and Northern Region, Eastern Region, Southern and Western region, Reproductive Human Rights, and Judicial Peroration which focused on Human Rights movements. ”The Human Right is a natural right which is the Ultimate Giver has also assured that land, water, air, space and energy are meant for the use of all creatures in this universe.”

Keywords: Human rights, Independent judiciary etc.




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