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Article Published In Vol.6 (July-Aug-2018)

Application of Multicultural Education in Forming Characters of Classics Classification V Basic School 7 Metro Lampung Center

Pages : 760-764, DOI:

Author : Muhammad Muchsin Afriyadi, M. Japar and Arita Marini

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Application of multicultural education is in shaping the character of learners by describing the findings. The qualitative research approach aims to reveal the existing data in the field by describing and interpreting events real in the field. Character education on the attitude and behavior of learners in terms of character education, to be able to form a good character in learners, In the context of education, character education is a conscious effort made to form learners into positive and character personality in accordance with the standards of competence graduation. The type of research used in this study is qualitative research. term This is considered suitable because it is natural and requires integrity in accordance with the research problem is the application of multicultural education in shaping the character of learners in public primary school 7 Metro Center Lampung. This research was conducted on the students of class V of public primary school 7 Metro Center Lampung. This is based on the consideration that public primary schools 7 Metro Center Lampung has many learners and one of the primary schools that excel in the area of Metro Center Lampung. In addition, public primary schools 7 Metro Center Lampung have good quality, consistent in maintaining the quality of education so that the primary school 7 Metro Central Lampung.

Keywords: Application, multicultural, ethics.



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