Bibliographical Synthesis on the Species of Frog Aubria Subsigillata (Dumeril, 1856)
Pages : 100-107, DOI : PDF
Aubria subsigillata is an aquatic frog widely consumed in the Ouémé valley and unsustainably exploited by people. Thus, with the aim of contributing to the domestication of this species with a view to preserve the biodiversity of anurans, this article provides a critical synthesis of the research work undertaken on the species A. subsigillata in order to identify the points to be addressed for the control of captive breeding of this species in Benin. The literature search was performed using the google chrome, google scholar, semantic scholar and scinapse search engines. The keywords were introduced in search engines in French as well as in English. The results revealed a plenty of quantitative and qualitative informations on the systematics, taxonomy, description, living habitat, food diet and parasitic diseases of A. subsigillata. However, the informations collected on A. subsigillata are insufficient and research on its reproduction, its food needs, its ecological preference must be encouraged for the success of its domestication.
Keywords. Aubria subsigillata, conservation, documentary research, frog breeding, ecology.