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Article Published In Vol.1 (Sept-Oct-2013)

Cerebral Vascular Accident, A Real Challenge of Public Health In Benin Natural Clay

Pages : 55-59

Author : COOVI CHEKETE L. Euloge ; de CHACUS Sylvie ; AHOKPE Mélanie ; SEZAN Alphonse

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The aim of our study was to evaluate the prevalence of stroke in terms of numbers of people affected psychologically, from the cases in our reference center, the National University Hospital, koutoukou Hubert Maga (CNHU, HKM ), Cotonou, Benin, to see if the stroke is a public health problem in the Beninese context or not. Therefore, our methodology has been first to conduct an investigation CNHU, HKM, in order to know the number of cases of stroke recorded year by year, and the number of deaths recorded in these cases, taken on 12 consecutive years, from 1998 to 2009. We then conducted a field study around fifteen people affected by stroke, taken in different occupational categories, to estimate the number of affected psychologically behind each stroke cases and categorized in Cotonou people. This survey, conducted on the basis of a questionnaire, was done on a representative sample of 300 persons, with an average of 20 people around each of the 15 selected victims. These 20 people were taken both in the family of the victim in his other preferred as relations requires the African context because of the legendary Solidarity and interactions due to reports of vital interests. The results show that, on the one hand, people psychologically affected behind each stroke cases are for sentimental reasons (strong family ties, solidarity, empathy) and or reasons of interest (moral interests, material financial or other). On the other hand, the number of people affected psychologically evolves into three classes (between 20 and 50, between 100et 200 and between 300 and more) as and when the interests represented by the victim are more important. The discussion of these results, we can say that strokes are rare in Benin. In fact, they are not a major cause of death among us. They therefore can not be considered a public health problem according to the criteria that attribute their character in industrialized countries. Only one stroke behind in Benin, more than 181.6 average people are psychologically affected. The socio-economic cost of all cumulative impacts of this situation is such that we are forced to recognize that stroke is a major public health challenge in Benin.

Keywords: world; Reviews another word, except lower case names, Stroke prevalence, incidence, psychologically affected, close relatives, direct victim, indirect victims.



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