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Article Published In Vol.6 (Nov-Dec-2018)

Compensation and Employee Commitment in Kenyan Public Universities

Pages : 1337-1342, DOI:

Author : Sarai Resah, Dr. Robert K.W. Egessa and Mr. Fredrick N. Kiongera

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Global competition has forced organizations to ensure increased employee commitment in order to enable them have high levels of excellence and competitiveness in their processes. One of the critical challenges facing today’s organizations is little employee commitment toward their organization which is occasioned by lack of attention to employees’ compensation. To help achieve this purpose, the study determined the effect of compensation on employee commitment in Kenyan Public Universities. The study was carried out in four selected Kenyan public universities namely; Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Maseno University, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology and Kibabii University. The study targeted a total population of 2930 comprising of teaching and non-teaching staff. The study employed descriptive research design where stratified random sampling was used to group the Universities and purposive sampling used to identify the respondents with the required information. To avoid biasness, random sampling was used to identify the sample. A sample of 285 was obtained using Yamane’s formula as used in the analysis. Pilot study was carried out in University of Eldoret and Moi University where a valid measure of 0.5 spearman correlation coefficient was acceptable as a valid measure and 0.7 Cronbach’s alpha value was accepted as reliable value. Questionnaires were the main instruments of data collection. The data was analyzed using SPSS where descriptive statistics of frequencies, charts, percentages, means and inferential statistics of regression analysis where the null hypothesis was tested at 5% level of significance. The analysis showed that at 5% level of significance the null hypothesis was rejected and the study concluded that there is no significant relationship between compensation and employee commitment (p-value<0.05). Organization who wishs to gain their employees commitment should invest much of their resource in compensation packages.

Keywords: Compensation, competitiveness, employees’ commitment and public university



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