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Article Published In Vol.2 (March-April-2014)

Contribution to a Morphometric Study of Rosmarinus Officinalis in the North West Algerian

Pages : 267-270

Author : Mostefai .A, Stambouli-Meziane H. & Bouazza M.

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This work is devoted to a morphological study of Rosmarinus officinalis in the Tlemcen region (Northwest Algeria). Results are obtained on the morpho-metric and ecological aspect. The observation of the physiognomy and the general appearance of the study area show heterogeneity of sward. To better understand the adaptation of Rosmarinus officinalis a morpho-metric study is required. It shows that there is a strong relationship between the parameters measured on the one hand and the middle where Rosmarinus officinalis on the other hand.

Keywords: Rosmarinus officinalis – morphometrics – Tlemcen – ecology.





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