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Article Published In Vol.3 (May-June-2015)

Effects and Impacts of Women Entrepreneurship in the Provision of Education under Margherita Sub-Division of Tinsukia District of Assam, India

Pages : 400-402

Author : Pummy Sinha

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Today more women are breaking free from the traditional, gender specific roles and venturing into the business world. They are not only holding high corporate positions but they are also successful women entrepreneurs. This paper focuses on entrepreneurship of women in the provision of quality education. A study is conducted to analyze what exactly motivate women entrepreneurs to get into small and medium scale entrepreneurial ventures. Relating entrepreneurship with educational institutions, it is hypothesized in this study about the purpose of the establishment of the institution and identification of the motivational factors among the women that may support educational institutions. The study is conducted in the Margherita sub-division of Tinsukia district, Assam, India. The respondents were the women entrepreneurs who run the educational institutions. Out of the total population 3educational institutions are taken as sample size. The study also focuses whether the establishment of the educational institution creates employment opportunities among the masses in the area and also how it impacts the society as a whole.

Keywords: Women entrepreneur, education, motivational factors




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