Effects of Cooperative Learning Method on Secondary School Students’ Physics Achievement
Pages : 669-676Download PDF
This study aimed at investigating the effect of cooperative learning method on students’ physics achievement. The design of the study was quasi-experimental pre-test post-test non equivalent control groups. Two sections from each of grade 9 and 10 students were randomly selected from Robe Galema secondary school. Data gathering instruments were achievement tests and observation. A treatment of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method of cooperative learning was provided to treatment groups while the traditional method was used in the comparison groups. The experiment lasted for seven weeks on grade 9 and for four weeks on grade 10 students. The result of the findings showed that the treatment group students out performed significantly than the comparison group on post test in each of the two grade levels. The result also showed the effectiveness of the method for teaching physics to the low achievers as compared to high achievers. Hence, the study revealed the effectiveness of the method as compared to traditional method.
Keywords: Cooperative learning method, Secondary school students, Physics achievement