Evaluation of Holistic Integrative Program in Early Childhood Education and Development (PAUD HI)
Pages : 406-412, DOI: https://doi.org/10.14741/ijmcr/v.6.3.2Download PDF
This research aims to understand how effective the implementation of Holistic Integrative Program in Early Childhood Education and Development or Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini Holistik Integratif (PAUD HI) at three integrated institutions, including PAUD Anggrek, the under-five family education program or Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) Anggrek and Integrated Health Services Post (Posyandu) Matahari in Cilincing Village, North Jakarta. This evaluation research used context, input, process and product (CIPP) model approach from Stufflebeam. The data was obtained by conducting interview, documentation and observation. Through the analysis, it indicates that: (1) The purpose of Context Evaluation of PAUD HI Program Implementation is in accordance with the sustainability criteria identified by PAUD Anggrek, BKB Anggrek, and Posyandu Matahari; (2) Input Evaluation of PAUD HI has been good. However, in terms of PAUD educator, the facilities and infrastructure has not been qualified. On the other hand, the input from BKB and Posyandu are in accordance with the criteria only in terms of finance; (3) Process Evaluation obtained the data in which the implementation process of PAUD, BKB, and Posyandu program has been in accordance with the evaluation criteria; and (4) Product Evaluation determined that PAUD, BKB, and Posyandu program are in accordance with the evaluation criteria.
Keywords: Evaluation Program, PAUD HI, BKB, Posyandu