Factors Affecting Policy Approach on IDPS and Migration Crises in Juba-South Sudan
Pages : 712-719, DOI: https://doi.org/10.14741/ijmcr/v.7.6.2Download PDF
This paper examines the causes of migration and the reconstruction policies and processes that have been applied to
control the migratory trends in Juba, using a qualitative and case study approach; the study identified the migratory
factors that affect post-conflict reconstruction policies. It thus asked and addressed three questions: 1) what were the migratory factors identified by the first round respondents and how does it relate to the realities in Juba and South Sudan generally? 2) What is the nature of the United Nation’s programs and policies during reconstruction period, and how has it impacted the migratory trends in bringing about sustainable peace in South Sudan? 3) How significant has these programs and policy processes been in post-conflict reconstruction in Juba? To achieve this, two (2) locations in Juba were selected for the study and various policy actors as well as the United Nations agencies, funds and programmes in the study area constituted the population for the study. Twelve (12) United Nations agencies, funds, and programmes randomly selected and interviewed one hundred and forty community members and two case studies also analyzed in each of these locations in Juba making a total of fifty six (56) respondents. Data was collected using well structured questionnaires and interview using the Delphi techniques through the use of Google docs for two rounds questionnaire administration. Questions were related to the socio-economic characteristics of respondents on the causes of Migration and IDPs Crises in Juba-South Sudan. Findings identified series of the factors that precipitates migration but singled out the lack of coordination between the international and local actors as stakeholders in the application of the relevant policies to address the effects of migrations over the years. By contrast, the development of policies has been inappropriately applied by way of partly exclusion of the local actors in the policy formulation processes and application. Hence the need to encourage more corporate arrangements coordination, policies frameworks to support the coordination structure to enhance post conflict reconstruction efforts to minimize migratory trends.
Keywords: United Nations, Displacement, Migration, IDPs, Refugee, Policy, Partnership, Post-conflicts, Peace,