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Article Published In Vol.3 (Jan-Feb-2015)

Financial Statement Analysis of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

Pages : 55-60

Author : Uosef Mosbah Ali Masoud and Devaraj Badugu

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Financial analysis of bank (NABARD) can be known by studying the financial statements. Financial statements are official records of the financial actions of a company, firm or other unit over a period of time which provide a general idea of a company or person’s financial situation in mutually short and long term. They give a precise representation of a company’s condition and working results in a reduced form. Financial statements are used for supervision tool mainly by company executives and investor’s in assess the overall situation and working results of the company. Analysis of financial statements helps in formative the liquidity situation, long term solvency, financial feasibility and prosperity of a firm. Financial ratio analysis show whether the firm is performing well or not in past years. Furthermore, comparison of unlike aspect of the entire firms can be done efficiently with this. It helps the traders to make a decision in which firm the threat is less or maximum benefit can be earned. NABARD is capital demanding. For this reason a lot of capital is needed to invest invite before taking decisions on investing in such company, one has to cautiously study its financial status and worth This study is conducted from 2010-2011 and various amount were calculated and on the basis of that Comparative statement Analysis position of NABARD has strong solvency position as all the solvency development which plays a prominent role in the rural area of India Specially this plays a very good role in the development of rural and agriculture area.

Keywords: Financial statement analysis, introductory accounting project, accounting case.




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