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Article Published In Vol.5 (May-June-2017)

Impact socioéconomique des ‘’mototaxis’’ sur les populations de Bouaké (Côte d’Ivoire)

Pages : 690-698

Author : Akmel Meless Siméon, Maître-assistant

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African people are faced with the problem of employment and unemployment. It is a very worrying situation that has interested many researchers as well. Those scholars have particularly sought to understand and explain the problem in different works through multiple theoretical approaches (economic, socioanthropological …). In Côte d’Ivoire, despite the reassuring speeches on the state of the nation’s financial health, people live in poverty. Bouaké is also not spared. The hypothesis of this city is eloquent enough : small trades abound in the city. Such is the case of the mototaxis, particularly observed in this commun, which is my field of investigation in the present paper. My research, both qualitative and quantitative identifies the economic and socio-cultural values of mototaxis’ work. The study describes and analyzes also, situations of discomfort such as traffic accidents, aggressions. In view of social deviance, deconstruction of economic policy is essential.

Keywords: Unemployment, mototaxi, socioéconomical value, social deviance, deconstruction



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