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Article Published In Vol.6 (July-Aug-2018)

Influence of ICT Media and Critical Thinking Ability to the Ability of Literacy Science Literacy Students Elementary School

Pages : 706-709, DOI:

Author : Muhammad Jiyad Prawira, Ucu Cahyana, and Riana Bagaskorowati

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This study aims to find the influence of ICT media and the ability to think critically about science literacy skills of elementary school students. This research was conducted in class V SDN Kebon Kacang 01 Jakarta. The research design used experimental method with treatment by level 2 x 2. Data analysis was carried out using 2-way variance analysis (ANOVA). The results of this study are (1) the existence of different literacy skills of students who learn to use ICT Flash media with ICT Power Point Media. (2) There is an interaction between ICT media and critical thinking ability to science literacy ability of elementary school students. (3) Science literacy ability of students who have high critical thinking ability using ICT Flash media is higher than students having high critical thinking ability using ICT Power Point Media. (4) science literacy ability of students with low critical thinking ability using ICT Flash media is lower than students having low critical thinking ability using ICT Power Point Media.

Keywords: Media ICT, Flash, Power Point, critical thinking ability, the ability to science literacy.



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