Occupational related hearing impairment in Basrah
Pages : 14-17, DOI:https://doi.org/10.14741/ijmcr.v6i01.10902Download PDF
Noise induced hearing loss NIHL is irreversible sensory neural deafness in one or both ears which develops gradually due to chronic exposure to injurious noise. In this study there were 92 workers chosen under exclusion and inclusion criteria, most of the samples study were male due to hard handling working, 40% of the samples studied were complaining of SNHL (sensory neural hearing loss) are variable from mild to sever one. Although they have normal otoscopic finding, the longer the duration of noise exposure the more damaging effect with SNHL result. There are no preventive measures used in our sample study. NIHL is preventable disease which needs the role of social media in education of peoples.
Keywords: NIHL, SNHL etc