Oral presentation and exams: A better alternative to written examinations for students with English language challenges especially writing skills?
Pages : 1181-1189Download PDF
The researcher investigated the extent to which oral and written assessments or examinations are being run at Botho University. The investigation extracted the views of the students and also the lecturers on how the two modes of assessments are being implemented at the university. The researcher has tried to find out if either modes is the correct method to use considering that most students seem to be having problems with English as a secondary language, especially with written examination. The study investigates the advantages and disadvantages of either form of assessments and also tried to see how the advantages and disadvantages can be mitigated to come up with the best approach to assessments. The analysis may also impact on the way teaching can be delivered to obtain the best out of the students at Botho University. The study has highlighted work done by other international researchers in this topic and tried to compare with their findings. The results on oral versus written shows a 50% split on whether the two types of assessments are appropriate or not. About 65% of the teachers indicate that poor command of English affects either type of exams negatively, therefore the best approach would be to incorporate both types of assessments for the benefit of the different types of students.
Keywords: Oral exams, written exams, assessments, presentation skills, writing skills, objectivity.