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Article Published In Vol.4 (Nov-Dec-2016)

Propagation of Potato Seed Tubers using Nutrient Solution in Hydroponic and Sand Culture

Pages : 1104-1106

Author : Falah Hasan .Issa

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This experiment was conducted during December and February in greenhouse using potato seed tubers cv. Desiree class Elite. The hydroponic culture experiment was adopted using C.R.D. The treatments were :without fertilizer ,nutrient solution, foliar spray with megafol(activated amino), foliar spray with magnum(urea phosphate),foliar spray with agroleaf (natural compounds), nutrient solution + megafol ,nutrient solution + magnum and nutrient solution+ agroleaf. All fertilizer spraying treatments were carried out 4 times ,the first one often 15 days from the emergence while the interval between the remaining spray was 15 days .The comparison between the mean of the treatment was done using L.S.D. at 0.05 level of significant .The experiment results summarized as follows: All fertilizer treatments were significantly superior than the control treatment. Treatment nutrient solution+ agroleaf gave the highest on plant height, leaf area,dry weight of vegetative parts for hydroponic and sand culture (67.11cm,116.08Dcm2/plant,126.40g) respectively as compared with the control. The highest number of stem in nutrient solution + megafol in hydroponic culture and nutrient solution+ agroleaf treatment in sand culture (4.92 and 4.37 stem/plant) respectively. The treatment of nutrient solution with foliar spray (agroleaf) significantly gave the hieighest yields per plant ( 659.00g ,672.00g) for hydroponic and sand culture respectively .

Keyword: Hydroponic, sand culture, nutrient solution, potato



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