Quality Evaluation of Beef Sausage Formulated with Different Levels of Dried Pumpkin Powder
Pages : 150-154, DOI: https://doi.org/10.14741/ijmcr/v.8.2.1Download PDF
The present study aim at investigating the quality properties of beef sausage formulated with dried pumpkin powder. Sausages prepared with recommended raw materials. Three levels of dried pumpkin powder (10%, 20%, and 30%) incorporated, while control sample left free (0%).Proximate composition, pH value, water holding capacity, microbiological aspects and sensory properties of beef sausages were carried out. Incorporation of dried pumpkin powder had significant impact, where decreasing pattern of moisture content observed as the level of dried pumpkin powder increased. The sample formulated with 30% dried pumpkin powder recorded the lowest moisture content (64.22%) compared with (72.43%) for the control sample. Significance increase (p<0.05 ) of fat and protein content recorded, where the sample formulated with 30% dried pumpkin powder recorded the highest content (9.30%) and (20.55%), respectively. Moreover, increase of dried pumpkin powder levels decreased pH value and increased water holding capacity. Produced sausage samples had total viable bacterial count ranged between 2.89 log10 cfu/g and 1.70 log10 cfu/g. Interestingly, the findings obtained mirrored that all samples free of salmonella. Positive effect on improvement of color observed where, the sample formulated with 30% recorded the highest score rating (5.38) compared with the control sample (4.90).
Keywords: Pumpkin powder, beef sausage, proximate composition, microbiological aspects, sensory evaluation.