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Article Published In Vol.6 (May-June-2018)

Relationship of Scientific Attitude and Learning Motivation on the Learning Result of Students of Classical V Level School

Pages : 485-489, DOI:

Author : Mas’amah, Prof.Dr.Mohamad Syarif Sumantri, M.Pd, and Prof.Dr.I Made Astra, M.Si

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The Purpose of this research is to see the relationship between the scientific attitude toward Science and learning motivation with the result of the learning science. This research uses quantitative approach, survey methods and correlation techniques. This research is done in primary schools in the sub-region TarumajayaBekasi Regency. The research results show: (1) there is a positive correlation between the scientific attitude with the result of the learning science (2) there is a positive relationship between learning motivation with the result of the learning science (3) there is a positive relationship between the scientific attitude toward science and learning motivation together against the Results of Learning Science. Based on the results of research shows the results of learning science can be enhanced with the increase of the scientific attitude toward science and the motivation of student learning is good.

Keywords: Scientific Attitude, the learning motivation, the Results of Learning Science



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