Security Considerations for Future Hosting of the Commonwealth Games in Abuja, Nigeria
Pages : 153-160Download PDF
paper highlights the importance of security as a major factor to be considered for a successful staging and hosting of future Common Wealth Games in Abuja. Having been denied the hosting right of the 2014 Commonwealth Games which some considered is on security grounds and the socioeconomic benefit loss on that account, the paper aimed at studying the level of insecurity in Abuja – a potential future host city – the types of crimes that are prevalent, and the security threats that are associated with the hosting of a mega-event with the view of recommending possible physical planning measures to prepare the city for future mega event hosting. Secondary data sources were used in data collection which were related to current events in the city with which the authors are familiar. The study result shows that robbery, fraud and car-theft are the three major crimes in Abuja with fraud being the most common. The paper also reveals that Abuja is over-policed, under-secured but with improving security situation by the day. Road construction, use of road signs and traffic light as well as increased security consciousness are responsible for the improvement in the security situation. Bearing in mind that Mega events from past experience were found to be vulnerable to terrorist attack, the paper recommends the use of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) in the design and provision of infrastructure in all possible future venues of Mega events in the city, especially areas used for sports, accommodation, transportation, tourism and parking lots. The paper further recommends good governance, private public sector partner