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Article Published In Vol.7 (May-June 2019)

Security in the perception of Iraq and Saudi Arabia: an analytical vision

Pages : 325-332, DOI:

Author : Qays Abed Bakheet

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The procedural control of the concept of security represents one of the cognitive and methodological approaches to the formulation and construction of a theoretical and practical framework in the field of security studies, which derives its dynamism from several pillars and the most prominent levels. A subject related to the field of regional and international relations, and related to the methodological interventions imposed by the movement of the refutation of the process of theorization in regional and international relations. Therefore, it is possible to build the proper theoretical accumulation of the security phenomenon by addressing the existing interferences between international relations, security studies and the regional and international security environment. The location of the geo-strategic of Iraq is a continental or semi-continental country whose policies and decisions are influenced by the nature of its relations with each neighboring country. Iraq’s common borders with six different countries (Turkey, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Jordan) A stable and stable foreign policy report to deal with these countries for several considerations is reflected in the following points.
A. Given the size of ideological crossroads and political differences
B. The divergence of strategic interests even with the change of regimes in Iraq from 1921 to the present
Saudi Arabia’s view of regional security stems from the fact that regional security can only be achieved if every country has sufficient internal security and stability. The vision of the Saudi decision-maker for security has been affected by the intense US military presence of land, sea and air bases. And that the Saudi security strategy is an integral part of the national security strategy of the Gulf Cooperation Council states and that all Gulf countries have kept the privacy of their security strategy? The components of the Saudi security strategy were limited to achieving specific objectives, including strengthening security and border protection, and confronting regional challenges and risks such as nuclear dangers, regional conflicts and disasters, identifying and responding to sources of danger and combating terrorism and extremism?

Keywords: Security perception Iraq Saudi Arabia an analytical vision



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