Study and Presentation of Electromagnetic Method of Hemozoin Detection for Malaria Diagnosis
Pages : 326-331Download PDF
In this paper we examine the possibility of using the magnetic properties of hemozoin (especially its susceptibility) conceive a method for the detection of malaria. hemozoin presents its self in the form of a crystal and which constitutes a pigment synthesised by the malaria parasite with the aim of annihilating the toxic effect of hematine. In fact, after contamination the plasmodium dwells inside the red blood cells of the host so as to feed itself with the amino-acids obtained by degradation of hemoglobin. But during this “meal” the parasite liberates a waste product in the form of a complex made of porphyrin and iron. In order to prevent that noxious effect, the plasmodium polymerizes the complexes of porphyrin inside a digestive vacuole to finally produce a crystal of a hemozoin not toxic for him. This particle is previously paramagnetic because of the presence of iron in the red blood cells. Our study proposes a detection system of malaria, using the magnetic properties of hemozoin. The method consists in creating a variable magnetic field using coils considered as « primary» ; and applying this field in the blood which creates an induced voltage at the terminal of a coil of « measure». Consequently, the variation of this voltage is function of level of hemozoin in blood. In this approach, the module of detection is constituted of an electromagnetic circuit whose « primary» coils are supplied with alternative current and producing two antagonistic fields that have the same absolute value. The detection of hemozoin seems probable for a measured value of voltage, which may value some milli volts
Keywords: Malaria; Hemozoin, Magnetism, Paramagnetic; Susceptibility.