Synthesis of Eastern and Western Culture in Contemporary Approach: An analysis of Raza Bukhari’s conceptual paintings
Pages : 173-178, DOI: PDF
Painting serves as a medium to satisfy artist’s sense of perception and provides space to portray his own imagination. The researcher here reveals an attempt by Raza Bukhari to capture the fusion of two culture’s, western cartoon character fitting in the eastern Persian miniature, or somewhere western subject adorned with Persian motif, creating contemporary approach in the traditional manner of miniature painting, which helps him to produce the visual copy of his expression and display his inner most thoughts. Observing two different tastes on one canvas brings the observer to discover the hidden messages of the visual, to effectuate the need this paper is going to focus the imagery and symbolism used by Raza Bukhari to express the human psychology of adopting foreign culture, and fitting themselves in that. His masterly skills of using opaque colour for creating a painting and the use of cat hair brush, accompanied with other techniques further modifies and helps in delivering the essence of painting.
Keywords: Persian, miniature, motifs, carpet design, cartoon