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Article Published In Vol.2 (July-Aug-2014)

Tauheed-An Essence of Islam

Pages : 707-709

Author : Md. Mujibullah

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Islam is one of the major world religions which have an essence that is called ‘Tauheed’ in Arabic. Allah created mankind to submit their will to one and only Him and to believe that Muhammad is the last messenger of Allah. It is also known as Sahadah, Islam does not permit the mankind to go beyond the concept of the Tauheed. Whole theories of Islam those are revealed to mankind are solely incorporated with Tauheed. It is a most important lesion in Islam. Whatever is practised out of Tauheed, that is ‘Shirk’ a major sin and unpardonable. The present short work tries to explain how Allah says concerning ‘Tauheed’ and its opposite word ‘Shirk’

Keywords: Tauheed, Sahadah, Shirk and Tauba





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