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Article Published In Vol.2 (July-Aug-2014)

The Arab World Jurisdiction to Prevent Marine Pollution Resulting from Ballast Water System

Pages : 773-778, DOI:

Author : Dr. Ahmed Hany M. Abuelenin

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This study reviewed a very serious environmental issue caused by harmful “marine species” transferred all over the world with “Ships’ Ballast Water”, discussed the International Legal Response to Ballast Water Challenge highlighting the important role of “International Maritime Organization” by adoption “the international convention for the control and management of the ships’ ballast water and sediments” (BWMC), and explored regulations addressing “Ballast Water” issue in some Regional Organizations which the most of the Arab Countries participated in. This study also, introduced a prospective implementation of the BWMC in the Arab Countries, explored their jurisdictions to promote Coastal Arab states’ ports authority in Ballast Water Management, and presented Legal Obligations shall apply on ships entering the exclusive Economic Zone and territorial waters of the Coastal Arab states. Finally, some suggestions are introduced to the Arab countries about how to implement the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships

Keywords: Marine species, Ballast Water, BWMC, commercial and maritime Law.





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