The Development of Heroes Story Book as the Social Science Studying Source for Fifth Grade of Elementary School
Pages : 567-571, DOI: PDF
This research is aiming for developing Social Sciences Studying Sources on Elementary School. This research uses research method and research procedure development using dick and carey model which has 10 stages, they are : 1) needs and learning objectives analysis; 2) Doing Learning analysis. 3) Trainer and environment analysis. 4) formulate Goals for work. 5) Developing Instrument. 6)Learning strategy development. 7) developing and selecting Learning materials. 8)Doing Formative evaluation. 9) Doing Learning Revision. 10) Designing ang Doing Sumatif Evaluation. The instrument of this research uses angket to determine the feasibility of media in terms of expert validation and field trials and the next instrument is test to measure the student’s Tolerance. Evaluation held by 3 steps : the first is expert judgement which is conducted by media experts and social sciences materials. The second step is done by evaluating small group with 10 students. The result of the test stated that the source of Learning in the form of a Hero Storybook worthy of use. To see the effectiveness of product developed continued with field group test with 25 student. T-test analysis results show differences in learning outcomes between pre-test and post-test. From the average score, indicating that Learning resources developed is effectively used for the improvement of Student’s Understanding in Social Science learning in Elementary School.
Keywords: Story book, Social Sciences, Studying Sources.