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Article Published In Vol.10 (March-April 2022)

The Influence of Carbon Dioxide Pollutants on the value of Outgoing Longwave Radiation of Earth-Atmosphere System

Pages : 132-145, DOI:

Author : Mihai Petrov

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The presence of pollutants in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide leads to the variation of the albedo value of the unique Atmosphere – Earth system. the application of the thermodynamic calorimetric expression allows obtaining of the empirical expression containing such parameters as albedo, temperature and the specific thermal capacity of the components of this unique complex Earth-atmosphere system. it is possible from this dependence to found the emission thermal capacity of this unique system. A difference can be observed as large as possible between the equilibrium temperature and of the effective temperature for higher values of albedo. this difference in temperatures is inversely proportional to the values of the specific thermal capacity. Another important moment is that the increasing of the atmospheric temperature results in a decrease of the effective temperature. The values of the wavelengths of outgoing longwave radiation increase with the increasing of albedo values and is of the order of 10 microns for minimal value of albedo and of the order 14 microns for the maximal one. The cooling of Earth’s upper atmosphere by the increasing of the pollutants gases is explained quantitatively by the suggested quantitative expression.

Keywords: Earth’s atmosphere, oxygen depletion, greenhouse gases, accumulation of carbon dioxide, effective temperature, specific heat capacity, albedo, specific Earth’s heat content, outgoing longwave radiation.



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