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Article Published In Vol.6 (May-June-2018)

The Influence of Guidance Technique and Parenting Style on Students Self-Reliance

Pages : 536-539, DOI:

Author : Husain Ibrahim, Yufiarti, Maruf Akbar and Aisyah

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This study aims to determine the influence of guidance and parenting style on kindergarten students self reliance in Aisyiyah Kindergarten and Bunga Rangga Kindergarten at Indramayu district, West Java province with a sample of 40 students. This experimental study was analyzed by two-lane anava. The results showed that: 1) 1) students’ self reliance with group guidance is higher than students with individual guidance, 2) students with the democratic parenting style have high self reliance compared to permissive parenting style, 3) there is an influence on guidance technique and parenting style toward students self reliance

Keywords: Guidance, parenting, self reliance



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