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Article Published In Vol.3 (May-June-2015)

Tit for Tat: Perceived Procedural Injustice, Organisational Politics and Emotional Intelligence as determinants of Organisational Retaliatory Behaviour

Pages : 513-522

Author : Fabian O. Ugwu and Samuel T. Anhange

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This study investigated the relationships between perceived procedural injustice, organisational politics, emotional intelligence and organisational retaliatory behaviour. The Perceived procedural, organisational politics, emotional intelligence and organisational retaliatory scales were used to elicit responses from participants. Hypotheses were tested among 141 public-service employees of the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC). Consistent with our hypotheses, results showed that perceived procedural injustice was positively related to organisational retaliatory behaviour. The results equally revealed that perceived organisational politics was positively related to organisational retaliatory behaviour and that emotional intelligence was negatively related to organisational retaliatory behaviour. The discussion was based on the social exchange theory. The result implies that organisational practitioners should desist from all acts that are capable of causing employees to hurt the organisation which in the long run will diminish its chances of realizing its goals.

Keywords:Procedural injustice, organisational politics, emotional intelligence, retaliatory behaviour




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