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Article Published In Vol.2 (Nov-Dec-2014)

Uses of the stocks of seasoning commonly called “cubes” in Benin

Pages : 1177-1182

Author : TOSSOU Laure, BEHANZIN Justin DOSSOU-YOVO Pierre and SEZAN Alphonse

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Within the framework of the formulation of a liquid stock of seasoning containing autolysat of fish fermented in Benin, a socio-economic and cultural survey is conducted. This investigation had grounds in two big cosmopolitan cities to know Cotonou and Abomey-Calavi situated to the south of Benin where the merchandising of the sapidity products is very strong. The objective of this work is on the one hand, to count the different ranges of dressing soup commonly named cube in the South-Benin and on the other hand, to know their possible use in order to value some parameters subsequently of it. The investigation showed that very little survey are achieved on these products of sapidity in the South-Benin. As has it used: – to know the different ranges of cube sold to the South-Benin, – to know the dishes in which they are usually used, – to know the price of comes back of this ingredient while searching for the preference of the consumers. The results of the investigation achieved show that about thirty three (33) ranges of cubes are sold and are consumed in South-Benin. The range maggi is the most common. The cost of the products is the same in all markets and in all two cities with some exception. These products contain all of the glutamic compounds. The product of basis the more met that enters in the manufacture of these cubes is the flesh of chicken, then of shrimp, horse and crab. It is necessary to note that no range to basis of fish fermented or fish has simply been met during the investigations.

Keywords: investigation, socio-economic, use, “Cube”, South-Benin.




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