Utilization of Demonstration Methods as Sex Education in Early Childhood
Pages : 811-814, DOI: https://doi.org/10.14741/ijmcr/v.6.4.21Download PDF
The purpose of this study is to determine the increase in sex behavior through sex education in children aged 6 – 7 years based on demonstration method. The research was conducted at Santa Theresia Depok Elementary School. Implementation of this research starts from November to December 2017 with 25 students as research subjects and two observers. The method used in this research is action research with reference to the action research model of Kemmis and Taggart, where the activity of one cycle consists of 4 components, including planning, action, observation, and reflection. This study consists of 1 cycle consisting of 8 actions. Data analysis is conducted by using action research. Qualitative data were obtained through observations during the implementation of action interventions through field notes, whereas the quantitative data were obtained by comparing the average score of the initial assessment result (before the action was given) and the final assessment (after the action was given).The results showed an increase in the formation of sex behavior through sex education in children aged 6 – 7 years based on demonstration method in which the average score of 65.8% increased to 89.1%. It means that there has been a significant increase from pre to post research. Implications that can be made to this demonstration method approach to be successful are: a) the teacher boldly explains, b) the teacher uses several examples, c) it uses simple, interesting, and real media for students.
Keywords: Action research, early childhood, sex education, demonstration method