Zoning within Plot–An Approach to Land Sub Division to Control Violation of Development Control Rules
Pages : 90-98Download PDF
Population explosion, high demand of urban infrastructure and limited availability of land resources is a global concern. When the inner part of a town becomes more and more congested, it expands towards municipal limits. Effective development control rules in such situation is imperative to tackle the important issues such as slum formation, overcrowding, congestion due to buildings in contravention to development control rules, narrow streets having no further scope for widening, buildings devoid of proper light and ventilation due to violation of setback rules and tendency to utilize FSI fully by covering entire plot area. Such situations affect the systematic development. The reason may be either the legal structures under which existing development control rules enforced are too weak and inappropriate in addressing the problems of physical development or they are outdated and not suit to the present socio-economic context. Due to lack of law enforcement and monitoring by development authorities, people always trying to violate the rules during the construction stage itself. As such some innovation is necessary in development control rule (D.C.R.) so that administrative control and monitoring can be minimized. Authors recommend “zoning within plot”- an approach to land sub division to tackle the violation of development control rules and there by requirements of sustainability can be achieved.
Keywords: Land sub division, Zoning, Building regulations, set back rules, Development control rules, Floor space index, Violation, Sustainability.