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Article Published In Vol.6 (March-April-2018)

Mathematical Modelling of Linear Complex Mechanical Systems by Inspection Method based on Force/Torque-Current Analogy

Pages : 322-324, DOI:

Author : Abhilash V Nair and Kannan Madhavan

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This paper introduces an easiest method for finding out the transfer function of complex mechanical systems with multiinput and multi-output. But at a time, one input and one output is significant. The method is an extension of inspection method of network solution by makes use of KVL. In the beginning step the available mechanical system has to be transformed into Laplace domain with associated differential co-efficient if any. Determine the Order of the system by considering the No. of masses/moment of inertia available in the system in turn determines the order of the transfer function matrix of the system. If once the transfer function matrix is formed, any combination of input and output can be selected to find out the transfer function by using Crammer’s Rule. The method is a perfect fit one, easiest than statespace approach and fastest one for such systems states having trivial states.

Keywords: Transfer Function, Multi-input Multi-output systems, KVL-Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, Laplace Transforms, State-Space, Crammer’s Rule, Force/Torque-Current Analogy


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